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Leadership is the most important factor in true business success…..Great Leaders will enable a doubling of Profits .

The South African marketplace is truly Brutaful( Brutal AND Beautiful) .The challenges facing our South African CEO’s in the next decade are a wonderful crucible for true leadership .As we begin our 2020 year the excitement begins in our week 1 pulse view.

Happy NY ????, 2020 kicks off with much fun-faire, much excitement, cautious optimism & decade of even greater challenges ????as growing political & international divides set to be 2010’s legacy????; home affairs blocks Gupta family attempts to renew SA Passports????????????????; paid parental leave for dads kicked in 1 Jan????; petrol price to drop 14c/l later the month⛽????????; court grants DA order to review removal of Tshwane mayor????; state water company delays financial statements again????; attempted theft causes Transnet fuel pipeline blaze????; Amnesty nets about 1500 firearms????; gov tightens it’s grip on refugees & asylum seekers????; SA house prices growth ranks 24th out of 56 countries????; MTN now accused of facilitating Taliban protection money in US lawsuit⚖????; high breakdown rate at Eskom raises threat of load shedding come mid Jan⌛;Rand rally fizzles out on back of Geo-politics????; internationally, US kills top Iranian general in air strike, gold spikes, currencies weaken as world awaits Iranian response????????; tens of thousands protest in streets of Tehran against US crimes????; auto titan Carlos Ghosn flees Japan in audacious escape to Lebanon with no extradition treaty in place????; flashfloods & landslides devastate Indonesia as 200 000 are evacuated????; Aussie bushfires rage on as residents forced to evacuate????; North Korea gives up on Trump peace accord, turns again to nuclear weapons build????; Austrian coalition signs deal that includes preventative custody & headscarf ban????; indices, JSE@57810⬇; DOW@28634⬇; FTSE@7622⬆; R/$14.30; R/£18.72; R/€15.97; Bitcoin $7327; sporting front, invigorated new look Proteas keeping England in check at newlands after victory last week????; SA’s top 2 tennis stars, Kevin Anderson & Lloyd Harris to play exhibition match in Soweto later the month????; Cape To Rio yacht race sets off, safe sailing ⛵; wishing u a splendid 2020, gonna be a brutaful one ????( Thanks to Dan Thomalla)

Now …..As we begin the 2020 year ,what real Leadership change will we embark on in 2020 ?