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What happened in week 22 of our Leadership year?

What happened in week 22 of our Leadership year?

Sense Making of  our volatile environments is one of the keys to  Leadership Agility.Agility is anchored in being able to act swiftly. Here are the key developments in week 22 of our year. CR finally pulls the trigger, transfers energy procurement powers from Gwede to...
What happened in week 22 of our Leadership year?

What happened in week 21 of our Leadership year?

Leadership Agility is anchored in being able to Sense Make our volatile environments. Here are the key developments in week 20 of our year. Business sounds alarm as Eskom warns of Stage 8 winter woes????????; SA produced weapons not suitable for our armed forces...
What happened in week 22 of our Leadership year?

What happened in week 20 of our Leadership year?

These unbelievable volatile environments demand Agile leadership ability. Agility is anchored in being able to Sense Make our volatile environments. Here are the key developments in week 20 of our year. Furore over US assertion SA supplied ammo to Russia, ZAR tanks,...
What happened in week 22 of our Leadership year?

What happened in week 18 of our Leadership year?

Our Zenger Folkman research shows that being agile is directly connected to an individual’s overall effectiveness. Agility is anchored in being able to Sense Make our volatile environments. Here are the key developments in week 18 of our year. Postbank introduces new...